Introducing the Milenomics² podcast(s)

Today’s a day Robert and I have been working on for months now.  I’ve gone back and forth how best to move Milenomics (the site) forward.  I think it is clear that the site is now into a new new phase of discussion, hard news, and critical tips and tricks.  With that a podcast seems like a logical extension of the site right now.

We started the year with a ‘podcast on paper’ and I’m hopeful this new podcast feels just like a audio version of a Milenomics post.  The overall goal of the podcast is to entertain, inform and educate about topics that might not make it on the blog for one reason or another.

Certain things lend themselves better to audio–that creativity has been hard to explore in the past. Now, just a few short weeks into the podcast I’m energized over how easy it is to cover certain topics on a podcast.

The name for the podcast, Milenomics² (Milenomics-Squared) comes from the fact that we’re taking things to the next level, and that together Robert and I are multiplying our knowledge to make for something greater than the sum of the parts.  Indeed, in just the first few weeks, through our natural discussion we’ve discussed topics that neither of us have heard covered anywhere else.

Breakdown of the Podcasts

Podcasts (plural) you say?

Actually yes.  Because anything worth doing once is probably worth doing twice–Robert and I are recording two versions of the podcast for every episode.  Each is a unique recording, so if you’re a subscriber you’ll still want to listen to the No Annual Fee Podcast.

A quick overview of the two editions, and where to find them is as follows:

Paid Subscriber Only Edition.

Click here to review all episodes and sign up as a subscriber.

We’ve launched this podcast on Patreon, and are asking you to please consider subscribing to it.  As a subscriber you’ll receive hours of unique, all original content every month.  This content is crafted with the same care and attention to detail as the posts here on the blog.

We’ve walled this podcast off for a few reasons, not the least of which is to try to push it to be the very best podcast on points and miles there is out there.  But beyond that, there is a certain importance in the podcast being for a limited audience only.  Keeping the podcast walled off means that we can cover anything we want, on any topic.   This has already lead to some discussion on unique methods to earn miles and points–methods which if discussed openly would likely cause those deals to die a quick death.

The paid podcast is also a great way to stay entertained with Robert and myself.  If your commute to work is 30 minutes each way Robert and I can pretty much get you to work and home one day a week, all for the price of a subscription.

Once you sign up you’ll receive a special RSS feed for the subscriber only podcast–or you can listen right on

And Finally–if you have no need or want to listen to a podcast on points and miles there is a lower Patreon patron level which is just a nice way to say “thanks” for the content here on the blog.

No Annual Fee Edition:

This podcast is exactly what the title says–this is a fully free podcast (currently looking for a sponsor).  These usually clock in between 5 and 10 minutes (although this weeks’ episode has already crept up to almost 12 minutes.)

The best way to listen to the No Annual Fee Edition of the podcast is by loading the following RSS Feed to your favorite podcast app.

RSS feed for the free podcast

You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts:

Come Along for the Ride

We’re soliciting reader questions as well for both podcasts, so if you’d like to ask a question that might be featured in a future episode leave a comment here.

I’m appreciative of the support from those of you who have already subscribed.

We’re going places together, won’t you come along for the ride?

About the author

- Written by Sam Simon. All ideas are my own, but I encourage you to see my point of view and I promise I'll try to do the same. Connect with me on Twitter @Milenomics.


  1. I tried to find your podcast by opening up the podcast app itself (apple) and searching for “milenomics” but all I get is some Saverocity hits(!). Ideas? (I’m guessing either I’m doing something wrong or your podcast is not searchable yet)

    1. Hi @bluecat,

      Try tapping the following link in Safari on your iPhone. It should take you to the Apple Podcast app where you can subscribe to the free version of the podcast:

      You can also try searching for “sam simon” or “robert dwyer” instead. It should come up on the Apple Podcast app (and Android apps that feed off iTunes).

      Searching for Milenomics² also turns it up, but that’s difficult to to type on an iPhone. You can cut and paste the text from here to Apple Podcast search though and it should come up.

      A little difficult we realize, so thanks in advance for your perserverence! We’ll do our best to make it worth your while once you get there.

      Hope this helps,

      1. Thanks, Robert. I use Chrome on my iPhone but, even using Safari, I can’t get these comments to show up…really weird….it just shows “0” comments.

        But searching for your names did the trick!

  2. Just signed up as a subscriber and delighted to do so, Like Bluecat, I need to find my way. Guessing I need to first download the Pantheon app to my phone, since trying to find you on iTunes brought me the same results as Bluecoat got.

    Once I have Pantheon, I’ll find both the free podcast and the subscriber one, right?

    Congrats to you both on this Milenomics Milestone!

    1. Elaine: Thank you so much for the kind words and support.

      Patreon will email you a unique RSS link for the subscriber show, which you’ll add to your podcast app. That will automatically update when new episodes are published and you can listen right in your podcast app without logging in.

      For the no annual fee show you’ll add this RSS link to your podcast app:

      If you have any trouble DM or email me. Glad to have you listening.

  3. Hello – so i only really listen on itunes cuz it syncs with ny car. I am patreon for observation deck and dots lines but havent once been able to access special content from the prior or early content from the latter… any ideas how to support u and pay but keep in itunes? Can u have a pay version through apple?

    1. Hi Phil – When you subscribe via Patreon you’re given a private link that should enable you to listen on the Apple Podcast app in your car.

      Here’s how it works:
      1) Subscribe on (on your desktop or on your phone)
      2) Log in to the Patreon page on your phone, scroll down to “Audio RSS Link” and copy your private link
      3) Open the Apple Podcast app
      4) Go to the Library tab
      5) Tap Edit -> Add a Podcast by URL…
      6) Paste the private link and Subscribe

      Existing episodes should then be available and future episodes should automatically download.

      Hope this helps.

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