Dear Airline Route Mapper,
Hello Old Friend. I’ve missed you. I often times think back to those years we spent booking award tickets fondly. I will say that ever since I lost you there’s been a hole where you once were–never quite filled by the replacements that I found.

Sure, I pivoted to spending my time at, but that was never the same as our time together. It was nowhere near as intuitive, nor as quick. I can load AMR and finish my searches in the amount of time it takes competitors to load and filter by alliance.
I’m excited to share the news that we’re back together. I don’t mind sharing you with the world–You are the best airline route map software around.
What’s that saying again? If you love something, set it free…if it returns it was meant to be. That wasn’t easy for me to do–but you have returned, and so now I know you’re the one for me.
I can’t believe we lost touch. I know for a while you let yourself go–and I was very sad to see you were not being taken care of. I’m excited that you’ll be revealing an even more updated version of yourself soon.
Forever yours,
P.S. Special thanks to dragoon17c who’s taken such good care of you.
I’m missing something. I download the ARM and ran the program. All I see is a map. No matter where I click or what options I choose, nothing happens. Any ideas?
Hi Bill, my best guess would be that maybe you didn’t unzip all the files to a folder? Running the .exe from the zip will not work in my experience.