Why and How: Combining City National Bank Rewards with your Spouse January 8, 2019 A lot of us have gotten the City National Bank Crystal Visa Infinite card lately, with good reason: It’s a fantastic product. Though it…
Lemoney.com Turns Sour. Community Payouts Missing With No Answers. January 7, 2019 Editor’s Note: It appears from feedback a few readers have given me that Lemoney.com is not paying out community Cash back, and hasn’t for…
My 2019 Predictions–A Year Full of Changes Ahead. January 5, 2019 I hope all of you had a safe, happy & prosperous 2018. As I’ve done in years past I’ll offer up my predictions for…
Episode 9: How we did on our 2018 Points & Miles Predictions December 31, 2018 On a very special year-end episode we assess how we did in our 2018 predictions. Sam’s post on how he fared in his 2018…
Looking Back and Scoring my 2018 Predictions December 29, 2018 The end of another year is nearly upon us. Just as Robert reviewed his hopes and fears a few days ago, I’m doing the…
Best Brokerage Bonuses for December 2018 December 28, 2018 I like to take a look at where our investement accounts are held each year around this time. Sometimes you can earn a nice…
How did my 2018 Hopes & Fears turn out? December 27, 2018 My very first post since joining with Sam here on Milenomics was: Points & Miles Hopes And Fears For 2018 What a year it…
Why and How: Generating and Using an Amex Referral December 20, 2018 Thanks to updates they made in 2018, the Amex referral program is the best in the credit card space. What’s great about them is…
Episode 8 – 5x Categories, Office Supply GCs, Bed Bath deal, Chase/Disney Non-News December 19, 2018 On today’s show: 0:30 2019 5x/5% Categories Available for Activation Citi Dividend 5% categories announced for 2019. Drugstores in Q2. Can use all $6,000…
Booking Tools: A [Re]Introduction to Airline Route Mapper. December 19, 2018 Dear Airline Route Mapper, Hello Old Friend. I’ve missed you. I often times think back to those years we spent booking award tickets fondly. …